Membership in this club provide many benefits. These include, but are not limited to: forming friendships with people who share the same interests, improving your photographic know-how, teaching others by sharing your knowledge and understanding, showing your work, learning more about photography, seeing work of others and having good time too.

As with any organization, our club is run solely by its members. We depend on everyone to pitch in, whether on an ad hoc basis by serving on one of ours committees, then volunteer your services.

Club members occasionally get together informally to share our knowledge and enjoyment of our hobby. We invite you to participate in all our activities, whether you are just starting out or have great deal of experience.

We promote photography as a hobby and encourage members to improve their photographic skills through educational programs, competition and critiquing sessions, and informal discussions among members.

We encourage you to ask questions. Please join Photoshooters club.


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